假 白 飯 魚 Fake fish from China

This continent still attract a lot of people cross went .....
Subject: False White Rice Fish
Really surprising facility. The mainland manufacturing fake technology is increasingly Gaogan, and scary. ~ ~ ~ The reaction of a friend's wife on the mainland, my cousin personally buy confirmation (in Haikang into outside supermarkets) ....... Friends they have eaten .. even similar small fish 'kiss larvae' (noodlefish) have a fake ... Should do with sausages out: the skin is PE film, stuffing looks like jelly or glue, 
~ ~
 Fishy smell can not see it .... cousin with water to cook the fish does not change color (or transparent) do not look carefully, but cook a little longer 
 film will explode within the 'glue' will be exposed ........ So to suggest that in the mainland out to dinner, do not point to small fish like this ... especially stick powder to blow. 


真是神乎其技. 大陸製造假貨的技術越來越是高竿,可怕喔~~~
在大陸的朋友老婆反應, 我表弟親自去買來求證的(在中海康成外的超市).......
因為朋友他們已吃下肚.. 連這種類似'吻仔魚' 的小魚(白飯魚)都有假的...
應該是用灌香腸的方式做出來的:外皮是 PE, 內餡看來像果凍或膠,
不仔細看還看不出來~~還有魚腥味....表弟用水來煮, 魚都不會變色(還是透明), 但煮久一點
膜會炸開而且內部的'' 會露出........
所以建議各位在大陸出去吃飯時, 別點類似這種的小魚...尤其是有沾粉去炸的.



