一个洋人对中国了解的深度,美国青年会唱戲 看了這些片段,你會學謙虛一點吧

This young American 印威亷 has been in China for only four years.  He speaks putonghua (Mandarin) fluently.
He has learned to sing different local Chinese operas.  He is particularly good in Shanghai opera.
His wife is a Shanghainese girl whom he met in the US when she was studying over there.
They have started their own 動漫 animated cartoon business in Shanghai.
You will enjoy this talented young man's performance on Chinese TV.
My Source says:
Amazing young man from California.  He knows more about Chinese music and drama than many of us

Don't even think about singing.........

learn to speak like him first! He has only been in China for 4 years!
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